Our Story

Have you needed to research appropriate offerings to various deities again and again? Have you gone through the process of hunting for offerings through shops, the internet, or even your own kitchen? Through the creation of this site and the items within it, our hope is to make it easy for fellow practitioners to show respect and love to their entities. Our goal is to take the guess-work and time out of gathering offerings so you have more time to honor and practice! Every deity is thoroughly researched to ensure the items in our shop are the most appropriate they can be for the deity/ies they were chosen for.

Our hand-made, small-batch offering candles are at the forefront of the best items we can present to you. Each choice for the candle - even its scent and color - correspond to the deity or demon it's created for. Every adornment chosen has meaning to the entity. So, while it may seem strange that salt or green tea or holly leaves are adorning a candle, it's because those are offerings that deity wants! Every candle found here is created with love and respect to honor and thank pagan deities and demons for their time, attention, and blessings. It is our pleasure to create these gestures of gratitude.